Contact Us

  • Contact Us

Feel free to contact us for cutting and machining information on cutting troubles and review of tooling as well as questions, feedbacks, and requests for our home page (SumiTool). An expert staff relevant to the enquiry will respond you with an appropriate answer.

Check and agree with the following before you contact us, and proceed to the enquiry email.

  • Customers' personal information will be strictly controlled by us and will only be used for our response to the customers.
  • If a response to your enquiry is determined as appropriate to be sent from our group businesses, subcontractors, and affiliates, our business parters (hereafter called "Group Businesses"), we may disclose your provided personal information to appropriate "Group Businesses", who may directly respond to you.
  • It may take reasonable days or period of time to respond depending on the enquiry you made. Therefore, we may not be able to meet your request for a definite deadline or an "emergency" response.
  • We are unable to reply or forward the following to departments in charge or Group Businesses.
    • Sales, abuse, and request for questionnaire, a range of surveys, and donations.
    • Enquiry which does not have direct relation to us.
  • Please refrain from using a part of or the whole responses from us or Group Businesses concerning to your enquiries for other purposes not intended.